Definition of the European Commission.
"17 unelected, reject politicians, with no accountability to anybody, who are not responsible for raising taxes, just spending money, who are pandered to by a supine Parliament which is also not responsible for raising taxes!"
Nicholas Ridley, Ex-Conservative Minister
The European Commission is a permanent unelected body of 17 people appointed by national Governments for 5 years or more. Responsible for most EU law, which passes directly into UK law, the Commission is aided by an army unelected officials (a sort of 'Uncivil Service'). The UK Parliament is helpless to amend or reject any of it. Such law is secretly made behind closed doors. The Commission President has a virtual veto over who becomes a Commissioner and provides "political guidance" to all Commissioners.
The Council of Ministers also approves laws. Ministers from each member state meet regularly. A complaint of Ministers is that the main business of the meeting is hammering out a Public Communiqué to give to news reporters after the meeting. In this pretence of democracy everything else is given automatic approval!
We citizens of Europe are told what to believe, what to eat, what tax to pay, what is safe, and even what measurements to use. We can't vote them out. While politicians talk only about "A Democratic Deficit" - we know the real Truth about Europe is:
IN JUST ONE DAY .............. 26th September 1997.
EMU, the single currency, was a news item on the BBC. Over 24 hours it had 16 interviewees - only four against. The 6.00 News had four pro-EMU speakers - none against. It summed up claiming "business was in favour". Similarly for Radio 5's Newsnight, The Financial World Tonight and Radio 4's The World Tonight. The Today Programme had 55 seconds for anti-EMU Peter Shore (politician) to discuss only the effects of EMU on the Labour Party, but Irish born CBI chairman Chris Haskins (business) was given 3 minutes 45 seconds to "explain the benefits" of EMU. And you thought the BBC was legally obliged to give political balance!
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